Flaws of Other Religions


Moshe Ben-Chaim


Having discussed Christianity at length this year, I thought it beneficial that we understand the flaws of the other major religions. Many people – even Jews – harbor respect for other religions, as it is difficult to simply disregard the actions of billions of people and negate all truth concerning other religions, that which is so dominant in the world’s eyes. Many times, coreligionist, “frum Jews”, state that they feel “all religions have some good”. Of course this statement violates God’s words. But they have unfortunately succumbed to the pitfalls of our exile. They have allowed popular opinion, and sympathy to override what they know is true based in Torah.


As you read my research and critique, be mindful that God gave a system to mankind only once. He said the event of Sinai would not reoccur. Be mindful that there is only one “man”, and thus, only one best way of life: one religion. Be mindful: all religions except Judaism are manmade. Now, as you read, understand the flaws in manmade religions. Confirm in your mind how they are incomparable to a religion designed by the One who created the universe…and mankind.




Hinduism: (Name derived from a body of water)

The word Hindu is derived from the name of “River Indus”. Hinduism is generally associated with a multiplicity of gods, and it does not advocate the worship of one particular deity. The gods and goddesses of Hinduism amount to thousands, all representing the many aspects of only one supreme absolute called “Brahman”. Each deity is really an aspect of the Brahman or, ultimately Brahman itself.


Hinduism’s error is exactly that of the Egyptians. Both cultures, incapable of relating to a single God, distorted reality to their desires (instead of the converse) and imagined sub-deities, each of whom was said to control a limited realm, i.e., sun/moon gods, river gods, fertility gods, etc. But such a position should have alerted the adherents that if one deity cannot control another domain, this limitation should demote its status as a god. However, when the emotions are at work, reason does not have a fighting chance. Additionally, the religious emotions are most powerful. Not only do they satisfy instinctual drives, but they also give great meaning one’s sense of being, his higher purpose in life: his religion. When both natures in man are catered to, it is most difficult to abandon such complete satisfaction.


Hinduism defined: “Fantasy is reality”. Hinduism is the unbridled, religious fabrication of and attachment to, many gods so as to satisfy man’s many emotional needs and insecurities.



Buddhism: (Name derived from a Man)

On a full moon day of May, in the year 623 B.C, there was born in the districts of Nepal an Indian Sakya prince named Siddhattha Gotama, subsequently named Buddha. Buddha means, “enlightened one” or “awakened one”. Buddha began his meditation as a Hindu. He was awakened with a new “enlightenment” only to denounce Hinduism and emerge as the founder of a new religion. Like other religions, it has its own special teachings and practices. But, unlike other religions, Buddhism does not believe in God. Consequently, it is sometimes referred to as an atheistic religion, or a refined Hinduism. Buddhists assume God is a human fantasy created from human fear. Although they claim allegiance to reason, they also believe that upon one’s death, he or she reenters a fertilized human egg, to be reborn once again. Their cycle of rebirth is known as “samsara”. This process repeats many times until one achieves a perfected state they refer to as “nirvana.” At this point, no more reincarnation occurs, and one exists eternally. Nibbana (nirvana) is the ultimate goal of Buddhism, the third “noble truth” in their system. In nibbana, the suffering and the desire that causes suffering have come to an end, as has the cycle of birth and death. They believe all this, but with no proof. Their system is in contradiction: on the one hand they resort to arguments to justify abandoning God, but when it comes to what they cherish, arguments are not applied: they believe axiomatically the dead are replanted into a woman’s egg. (Interesting is the need to place the moon as a focus, as he was born on the “full moon day.”)


Buddhism is then nothing more than masses that adopted a single person’s fantasies about a fabricated “nirvana”, and the amazing stories of reincarnation that help one travel the distance. It promotes the idea that we must desire a state where suffering ends. Thus, Buddhism seeks a removal of a negative, not the attachment to any positive truths. It also does not offer insight into determining what is “negative” or “positive”. I would suggest that Buddhism’s mass appeal lies in its promise of this nirvana, a promise so appealing that those emotionally wrecked readily accept it without question. It would not be surprising to find those who convert to Buddhism as weak minded, insecure, neglected, or subjected to pain. Such a religion offers promises of a “light at the end of a tunnel”, but never delivers.


Buddhism defined: “Unconditional, eternal pleasure”. As no God exists in this religion, reward and punishment play no role - similar to Christianity’s “guilt-free” credo. There are no penalties for life’s errors or sins, so reincarnation will culminate in absolute pleasure. (However, as no God exists, they are hard pressed to explain why they hold of any morality. Who is to say what’s moral?)


Islam: (Name derived from submission to the Moon-god “Ala”)

Islam comes from an Arabic root word meaning “peace” and “submission.” Islam teaches that one can only find peace in one’s life by submitting to Almighty God (Allah) in heart, soul and deed.  The will of God, to which man is to submit, is made known through the Qur’an (the Koran), revealed to his messenger Muhammad. Muhammad, it is claimed, was the last of the great prophets, which included Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus and some others. The basic belief of Islam is expressed in the shahadah, the Muslim confession of faith, “There is no god but God; Muhammad is the prophet of God.”


Religions are born in one of three manners: 1) an individual or group conjures up a new system such as Buddhism’s “nirvana”; 2) an individual or group rolls many old notions into a ‘new’ system; or 3) an individual or group combines new and old ideas. This latter formulation is witnessed in Islam.  Islam bases itself on a false prophet with no evidence of his prophecy, and also attempts to gain “religious” status and equality with other accepted religions like Judaism, by claiming responsibility for it: “He has sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming what was there before it. And He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.” (3:3) Again the Koran says: “We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light, and the Prophets who had submitted themselves gave judgment by it for the Jews - as did their scholars and their rabbis - by what they had been allowed to preserve of Allah’s Book to which they were witnesses. Do not be afraid of people, be afraid of Me. And do not sell My Signs for a paltry price. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down, such people are disbelievers.” (5:44)


Islam’s psychotic arrogance claims responsibility for giving Moses to the Jews. They also claim they gave Jesus to the Christians. Amazing.  Even more amazing is the acceptance of such lies by millions.


Islam: The Moon-God Religion

I will quote from, “A Short Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology”:


“The pre-Islamic deities of Arabia which were most venerated, were astral deities, especially the triad of the moon god, the sun goddess, and the god associated with the planet Venus. The moon god was the chief and was protector of the cities. These deities were given various names, however the moon god was evidently originally the Babylonian moon god ‘Sin’. To end division among his people in Mecca, Muhammad elevated the moon god ‘Al Ilah’ to the chief and only god. (It is not widely known in Islam that Allah was a sexual being, having fathered three daughters--this is documented in the E.B.).

Among the visitors and residents of Mecca in the time of the prophet, were Jews as well as Christians. Muhammad’s thinking was further heavily influenced by these followers of Abraham, as well as by special revelations, which were (it is said) communicated to him by the angel Gabriel. The God of Abraham was not Ilah, however, but Yahweh. Abraham was called by Yahweh from Ur of the Chaldees (Babylon) and renounced the pagan gods of his family, which were the gods of Babylon. In fact Babylon was the seat of all false religion after the Flood of Noah, and from Babylon idolatry spread throughout the rest of the ancient world.

Plagiarizing Judaism

Muhammad assigned to the moon god of Mecca some of the attributes of the god of Abraham, however the pagan and occultic roots of pre-Islamic religion were not discarded. Another outright plagiarism of Judaism is Islam’s “Hajj”. This is their essential pilgrimage to Mecca, the location claimed to be where Mohammed received his prophecies from Allah. Part of the Islamic ritual of Hajj is to walk seven times back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwa. This is a re-enactment of Hagar's search for water, before the spring of Zamzam was revealed to her by Allah.


The center attraction in Mecca is the structure called the Kaba, claimed to be structured by Abraham and Ishmael. The area around the Kaba is considered sacred, and inside the area the truce of God reigns. Man and animals are safe here, and shall not be forced away. In the Koran it is written: “ the first house built for mankind, was in Mecca, to bless and guide all worlds.” (3:90) It is noteworthy that Islam worships a Black Stone, located in this area. It appears that Islam’s original idolatrous roots have not been lost, as they worship created matter too. (Some say this Black Stone is a meteor.)


Muhammad was persecuted for his teachings in Mecca and fled to Medina in 622 AD, his teachings were soon accepted and the community-state of Islam emerged. From the date of Muhammad’s flight, called the hijrah, Muslims begin their calendar, AH (Anno Hegirae) 287 is the same as AD (Anno Domini) 900. During the early period Islam acquired its characteristic ethos as a religion uniting itself in both the spiritual and temporal aspects of life and seeking to regulate not only the individual’s relationship to God but human relationships in a social setting as well. Thus, there is not only an Islamic religious institution (private) but also an Islamic code/law governing society (public). This dual religious and social character of Islam, expressing itself as a religious community commissioned by God to bring its own value system to the world through jihad (holy war or holy struggle).

Muhammad died in 632 AD and through jihad, Islam spread within a century from Spain to India. During the Muslim conquests Jews and Christians were assigned a special status as communities possessing Scriptures and are known to Muslims as “people of the Book” (ahl al-kitab) or dhimmis (protected people). Christians, Jews, and later Hindus and Zoroastrians were allowed religious autonomy, but had to pay a per capita tax called the jizyah. Many people converted to Islam to avoid the jizyah tax. In the 12th century the Muslim mystics, known as Sufis, were primarily responsible for spreading Islam to India, China, Central Asia, Turkey, and sub-Saharan Africa. Islamic traders were responsible (by the 14th century) for extending Islam to Indonesia, Malaya, and China.”

 (Collected by Lambert Dolphin)


It is clear that Islam is based on idolatry. Again we read, “Muhammad elevated the moon god Al Ilah to the chief and only god”. We also read, “Muhammad assigned to the moon god of Mecca some of the attributes of the god of Abraham.” Islam is based on idolatry and plagiarism, and is primarily a “moon-god” religion in origin. Many cultures, which have a moon-god, have constructed this god to serve their needs of water. The moon is responsible for tidal changes.


However, we must note that Maimonides stated Islam is not idolatry. (Laws of Forbidden Foods, 11:7) Perhaps the Islam Maimonides referred to was not this Islamic form.



Another resource says the following:


“Allah was a pagan deity. In fact, he was the Moon-god who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters. Archeologists have uncovered temples to the Moon-god throughout the Middle East. From the mountains of Turkey to the banks of the Nile, the most widespread religion of the ancient world was the worship of the Moon-god. In the first literate civilization, the Sumerians have left us thousands of clay tablets in which they described their religious beliefs. As demonstrated by Sjoberg and Hall, the ancient Sumerians worshipped a Moon-god who was called many different names. The most popular names were Nanna, Suen and Asimbabbar. His symbol was the crescent moon. Given the amount of artifacts concerning the worship of this Moon-god, it is clear that this was the dominant religion in Sumeria. The cult of the Moon-god was the most popular religion throughout ancient Mesopotamia. The Assyrians, Babylonians, and the Akkadians took the word Suen and transformed it into the word Sin as their favorite name for the Moon-god.”



We see that Islam is not the monotheistic religion it is believed to be. Its roots are idolatry, only later adopting Judaism’s God, and Abrahamic history. Islam also contradicts itself, both supporting and denying the Torah. The following are quotes from their Koran:


“Because of wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made forbidden for them some good things which had previously been lawful for them; and because of their obstructing many people from the Way of Allah, and because of their practicing usury when they were forbidden to do it, and because of their consuming people’s wealth by wrongful means, We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.” (4:160-161)


We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light, and the Prophets who had submitted themselves gave judgement by it for the Jews - as did their scholars and their rabbis - by what they had been allowed to preserve of Allah’s Book to which they were witnesses. Do not be afraid of people, be afraid of Me. And do not sell My Signs for a paltry price. Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down, such people are disbelievers.” (5:44)


“We made forbidden for the Jews every animal with an undivided hoof, and in respect of cattle and sheep, We made their fat forbidden for them, except what is attached to their backs or guts or mixed up with bone. That is how We repaid them for their insolence. And We certainly speak the truth.” (6:146)


“Say: ‘You Jews, if you claim to be the friends of Allah to the exclusion of all other people, then wish for death if you are telling the truth.” (62:6)


“Believe in what I have sent down, confirming what is with you (Torah). Do not be the first to reject it and do not sell My Signs for a paltry price. Have fear of Me alone.” (2:41)


Islam is bereft of its own identity. It was born of idolatry, from their “moon-god.” Later, it sought wider acceptance, so it cannibalized Judaism and Christianity, going so far as to claim responsibility for these two religions. This response by Islam, to claim responsibility for Moses, is a method used by many plagiarists: they attempt to deny accusations of plagiarism by reversing the case, claiming that they in fact gave us Moses, and not that they stole our monotheism. When we encounter bogus claims in any area of life, many times there is precise rhyme and reason to such claims. In this case, Islam’s claim of granting Moses to the Jews is quite transparent, as a cursory read of world history teaches how they cannibalized Judaism.


Islam, unable to win over adherents based on their lack of reason and corruption, resorted to “holy wars” to spread its venomous ideals. Although today one might equate it to Jewish monotheism, be careful. Understand their Koran, and the hate-filled positions of Islam. This is not monotheism based on the true God. This is monotheism based on hatred of all other members of mankind. Monotheistic religions carry the danger of practitioners becoming enamored with themselves as God’s “chosen” ones. Such elevation of a culture’s ego can allow these fundamentalists to justify anything imaginable in the name of “God”. Their holy wars go on with no remorse, precisely because they feel they are doing God’s work…thus, the name “holy” war. With a holy war, a jihad, Muslims like Hindus find themselves emotionally and inextricably devoted to their beliefs, as their basic instincts are constantly satisfied: their religious emotion of being God’s chosen is satisfied, as is their emotion of viciousness towards others in the form of “holy wars”. We see they are quite aggressive, and this is no surprise, as their basic religious credo is “self love” which in turn fuels their hate of others. These brutal, Islamic fundamentalists can behead another human being without flinching. This is only possible of one feels his brutality is sanctioned by some higher purpose.


In stark contrast, Judaism’s monotheism states that being “chosen” is not reflective of any higher level we have attained; rather, we were chosen for the purpose of educating others. Our focus is on God, and to teach the world, not to force it upon them, and not to parade arrogantly like so many Jews who imagine they are better. We stated so many times; God did not create “Jew” and “Gentile”, but rather, “man and woman.” This means that God intended the best life for ALL peoples. God gave His system to the Jew, only because Abraham secured that his descendants learn of God, thereby becoming the proper “keepers of the book.”


As we study other religions, we learn more about human nature - the cause of these false religions. Man’s insecurities propel him to create methods, which he feels will protect him. We then understand why many religions idolize the moon or sun, the major forces in the universe. Man’s inability to relate to the true, abstract God, who is not seen, is quite difficult for the infantile personality. Trained from youth to stand in awe of his very tangible parents, the infantile personality remains crippled; as he does not learn new truths, which may help him extricate his emotions from the infantile, dependent state. Without knowledge, one will retain his “infant psyche”, and will find comfort in the projections of others, titled today as “organized religion.”  He will find the religious expressions of others to condone his identical feelings.


As seekers of truth, we must not allow the great numbers of these religionists, their beautiful churches, or allow their recognition by mankind to affect our true evaluation of their corrupt natures.


Regardless of mankind’s varying skin tones, hair types, languages, and personalities, there is but one type of “man.” It follows rationally that there can be only one religion.


We see from Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam, three different approaches to fabricating a religion: Hinduism creates multiples god, Buddhism denies God, and Islam cannibalizes the God of others.