“Jewish Terror Fiend Killed by Mob Justice”





The above headline was screaming its way from the front page of the New York Post, right in to the hearts and minds of the Islamic consciousness. Jewish terror fiend…avenged by mob justice?


Never before throughout of the thousands of terror attacks, nor the hundreds of murder fests committed by individual Arabs, have we ever been so politically incorrect to call any of these Arab or Islamic murderers Arab or Muslim “terror fiends”; nor were we ever to read anywhere the response by the Israelis were associated with the word “justice”.


What happened in Israel is a deeply regrettable incident by a mentally disturbed person. Natan Zada, an Israeli army deserter who in his defiance of the planed pull out of Gaza by the Israeli government; went on a murder binge and killed four Israeli citizen of Arab ethnicity.


The general Arab reaction to the killing of Jews or Arabs by terrorist acts; is always praised and labeled “martyrdom for the cause of Islam.” In contrast, the members of the Israeli government, trampled over each other to attack the microphones to express their condemnation of the attack and their regrets about its outcome.


When a Jordanian soldier massacred some seven or eight young girls with his sharp-shooting skills, we had headlines reporting that a Jordanian soldier went berserk and that was it. Not a single accusation was charged against the Jordanian government.


When an Egyptian soldier opens fire on a group of Israeli tourists and kills seven of them, it was a regrettable incident; without anyone trying to exploit the tragic event and turning it into and additional point of friction in the long standing Arab Israeli conflict.


Today, the Palestinian President; “the peace loving Mahmoud Abbas” who doesn’t even try to disarm the terror groups of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and any of the other Palestinian terrorist organizations, had the nerve to call on Israel, “to Disarm Settlers' Gangs' before the Palestinian-Israeli Coexistence will come to an end due to “Israeli Terror”.” This is from a man, whose hands are still dripping from the blood of the countless Jewish victims; ranging from the massacre of the Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics; the defenseless wheelchair-imprisoned Klinghofer, and the many other innocent victims of terror; that Abbas as the right hand man of Arafat had a hand in the planning their murders.


It is a typical, inborn reflex anti-Semitic smear that has absolutely nothing to do with Israel or Zionism; to condemn the whole Jewish people regardless of where they live or whether they consider themselves Jews only through a religious affiliation and not through nationhood. That when a crime is committed by a sick individual who belongs to the Jewish faith that the criminal is described even in pro-Israeli publications as a, “Jewish Terror Fiend.”


The other major difference between the insane act by Natan Zada, and the acts committed by Arab and Islamic terrorists is that this act of murder was not treated by any Jewish organization with the glowing hero worship. No one was calling Natan-Zada a “martyr”, nor was he buried with the fanfare of a hero, nor was there any huge monetary reward awarded to his family, as is the case at the death of Arab or Islamic terrorists. Instead, the Jewish communities around the world were treating the act with so much embarrassment; that it was difficult to even find a cemetery to burry his remains.   


On the other hand no one should confuse the stupid and wanton act by a sick man with the malady and possibly suicidal act by the Israeli government of unilateral abandonment of a vital territory without any type of reciprocal act by the Palestinian authority that claims to be committed to a process of peace with Israel.


Even Yonatan Bassi, the man handling the Israeli government’s controversial plan to evacuate settlements in the Gaza Strip, can only say that only time will tell whether it is an idea that can bring Israel and the Palestinians to a peaceful solution of their conflict.


The reality is that we already have the answer: over ten thousand people demonstrated by chanting “today its Gaza, tomorrow its Jerusalem.” We already know that such Jewish stupidity only will embolden the thinking of the Arab world, and will effectively bring the borders of terror closer to Israel’s heartland.


The best indication of what is in the heart of the Arabs, is that not only that all the Jews alive have to leave Gaza, but even the dead ones have to be disinterred and reburied in Nitzanim; a new cemetery inside of Israel.


The message is clear…Dead or alive, Jews have no place in lands under Arab Administration. Promising…isn’t it?