Dear President Obama, 

Best wishes to you and Godspeed in your next 4–8 years as our leader.

To quote the Senate Floor Statement by James Inhofe (3/4/02):  

"I believe very strongly that Israel has a right to the land. This is the most important reason: because God said so. In Genesis 13:14-17, the Bible says: "The Lord said to Abram, "Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever. Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to thee".''

Mr. President, I understand you fear God, and that you hold the Bible as absolute truth. That Bible says that Jewish people are God's intended recipients of Israel. Furthermore, history disproves claims made by others to the land of Israel. To quote Sen. Inhofe again, "there were never any "Palestinian" people. Palestine was a region named by the Romans, but at that time it was under the control of Turkey, and there was no large mass of people there because the land would not support them. Today's "Palestinians" are merely relocated Arabs.  Every time there is a dig in Israel, it does nothing but support the fact that Israelis have had a presence there for 3,000 years.  The coins, the cities, the pottery, the culture...there is no mistaking the fact that Israelis have been present in that land for 3,000 years. It predates any claims that other peoples in the regions may have." 

These are objective facts, not subjective opinions. 

If anyone disagrees, then they must disagree with all world history.

That being said, I am for peace, as is any rational person. I am of the conviction that all men are created equal, and I practice this. I have taught, and continue to teach Jew sand Gentile alike for 25 years, at my expense. I travel to educate others of all religions without seeking compensation. I speak out when others are wronged, regardless of race or religion. And I speak out against my own brothers when they are wrong.

I have written numerous articles on human equality. All men and women descend from Adam and Eve. We are therefore equal in every manner. In fact, there are Jews who disagree with me and feel they are superior to others, but I do not follow my brothers when they are patently wrong...I follow what God and reason dictate. I do not feel I have any more right to life than an Arab who too, seeks to follow God. For God created us both. Man only forfeits his right to life when he violates God's will, when he sins, or sadly...when he kills another not due to self-defense.

To achieve true peace, I feel any rational people must be open to compromise. But time and again, with our hand extended in peace talks, Israel's civilians were senselessly butchered...and the world was silent. But when we rise to defend ourselves in Gaza as in times earlier, the world cries out against us. 

Why?  This is because the lie has spread about a "Palestinian land" and a "Palestinian people" that Israel forcefully "occupied".  A complete fallacy as history teaches, but the underdog is always sympathized with. 

No leader has yet mustered the courage to go against the masses and read a history book to the world. Had people read history, they would agree that there is no such thing as a "Palestinian people".

Mr. President, will you defend true history? 

I am not opposed to any civil people having quality living conditions and ample work.  

I favor it. God favors it. But I am opposed to lies. Peace must be built on truths.  

What else is true?

Jews do not become suicidal/homocidal bombers.

Jews do not kidnap. 

We never shoot a child - or civilian adults - at point blank range.

We never blew up buses.

We don't raise our children to become martyrs.

We medically treat the wounded of our enemies.

And we always seek to protect civilians and minimize hurt, even when at war.

I ask you Mr. President: what will you will do to address the next generation of Arab children being taught martyrdom at the cost of other human lives? This horror continues as we speak. 

Can israel be expected to make peace with a nation who does not cease such ruthless hate?

What will you put into place that can reverse 2 or 3 current generations instilled with venomous hate against Jews? Is there anything that can be done? I honesty cannot think of a solution...but I ask you.

And if this is the case that no solution is readily at hand, can we be asked to live side-by-side with this ticking bomb?

Are we really being truthful with ourselves, that generations of youth, teens and adults who have been inculcated into a martyrdom doctrine...will be able to abandon this lifestyle?

How would that happen?

Moving forward, any agreement between Israel and others must carry strict prerequisite conditions – conditions when broken even partially, nullify the entire agreement. These conditions must be verified as fulfilled, and monitored regularly:

1) a prerequisite of sustained control over its people before all other terms are carried out

2) quick justice administered to to offenders

3) a proven halt to the teaching of martyrdom, and an implemented plan for reversal of such ideologies

4) a proven, permanent shut-down of all anti-Semitic propaganda machines in all media

5) severed ties with all militant, terrorist and anti-Semitic groups

6) transparent cash flows, and transparent spending of U.S. funds

7) installation of neutral parties as members of government

You once said, "If people were bombing the area where my children live, I'd do everything possible to stop them".  I ask you to uphold this pledge for Israel. I ask you to defer to God's words when deciding morality, for He alone dictates morality.

You planted the promise of "Change" in the hearts of Americans and all nations. 

I await the change you will deliver to the Middle East.

In closing, King Solomon said, "The heart of Kings is in God's hand".  (Proverbs, 21:1)  Today, you become the world's most powerful king. May God guide your thoughts and your heart towards following His words alone. And will be victorious in all ways.

Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim
