Disengagement: The Magical World of Words




The Israelis are busy getting readying to leave the Gaza strip so they can “disengage” themselves from those Arab people who lately became know to the world as the Palestinians. I emphasized the word lately, because until 1948 they were known as the Arabs of whom some lived in Palestine. Even in the nineteen fifty’s and sixty’s these people were “part of the greater Arab Nation,” to quote Nasser the revered leader of the then United Arab Republics, (meaning Egypt, Jordan, and Syria). It was only after their Failure to wipe Israel off from the face of the earth and drown their Jewish inhabitants into the Mediterranean Sea, when the world first began to hear about the Arabs as “Palestinians.”


Before the six day war, the West Bank in its entirety and Jerusalem was part of Jordan, who promptly kicked out the total Jewish population from Jerusalem, the eternal Capitol of the Jewish people and the rest of Judea and Samaria, known to us today as the West Bank. In the process of evicting the Jews they were also doing all they could to evict the indigenous population, with just as much dedication and enthusiasm as they were doing it in 1929, and 1936 when they massacred and exiled the Jews of Hebron and attempted to do the same with the Jews of Jaffa and Tel Aviv. The Arabs, no matter if they were Jordanians, Syrians Egyptians or Lebanese, they were uniformly busy destroying all the Jewish synagogues. If they were from Jordan or from Palestine, they didn’t stop at the synagogues, but went on to destroy all the schools, farms, and everything that had anything to do with the Jews; including the Jewish cemeteries und using their gravestones for the public latrines of the famed Jordanian legion.


The words “ethnic cleansing” were still not in fashion but cleansing an area from the Jews was already deeply ingrained in the Arab people.


Before the establishment of Israel in 1948, it was the Jews who were known to the world as the Palestinians. “Go back to Palestine,” was the battle cry of the anti-Jewish world throughout the centuries of the Jewish exile.


The Israeli rationale for this ingenious move to give up a portion of the land that was theirs to begin with, and for what they paid with the blood of their youth, was their hope in a lasting peace: harboring their cunning belief that once the Jews will leave Gaza, thereby removing their troops and civil population, they will also remove all contacts that lead to conflict generating situations.


This is also the reason for erecting the walls of separation between the Jewish population in Israel proper and some of the Jewish population who lives in Judea and Samaria. Of course the same logic governs the separation of the Arab population who also live in the in territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza.


The evacuation of the Jews from Gaza is still in its pre activation sate. Yet the prospect of expelling the Jews outside of Gaza treated with the increasing terror on the Jews who live well within the borders of Israel proper. In other words the Arabs who are living in Gaza are already engaging the Israeli population with the demonstration of their intent what they have in mind for the future of the Israeli people.


With such encouraging indications about the future is there any wonder why the Sharon Government so looking forward to the deportations of the Jews, first from Gaza, and latter of course from Judea Samaria and lets not forget Jerusalem.


The Sharon Government, recalling the wisdom of the Rabin/Peres Oslo doctrine that states the wisdoms; “You don’t make peace with your friends rather you make peace with your enemies!”


Now let me ask you; is there anybody who is better qualified to make peace with then the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas? Is there anyone out there who even comes near to the qualifications as an authentic enemy, that we could sign a peace treaty with the Father Abbes; this well documented Jew Hater, a terrorist with the highest credentials, and a holocaust denier of the highest order; in addition to being Arafat’s soul mate and partner in crimes? 


Disengagement, really, from whom are we Separating from?

You mean we will disentangle ourselves from the Arabs?

Well, that sounds truly great, but are you sure?

You mean that we leave Gaza and maybe even Judea and Samaria, and the Arabs will leave Israel is that what you mean? Well, I am not happy about giving up sovereignty over some of our holy places, but may be I can learn to get use to it.


What’s that…you mean the Arabs will not have to leave Israel, as part of a population exchange, as was the case among so many other nations around the world?

So, of course you also mean that the Jews won’t have to leave Gaza and the West bank either; and that they can enjoy the same freedom as the Arabs in Israel do, with having their own schools, their own language, their own places of worship and religious freedom…Just as the Arabs have it in Israel?


Again you say no? You mean that is not what the road map to peace prescribes, but that the Jews give up territory to the Arabs who in turn give nothing but a solemn promise that they will destroy Israel and its entire Jewish inhabitant as soon as they can?

Is that what the road map prescribes, is that where the road map leads to; a dead end for the Jewish people?


You mean the road map to peace is but a spelling mistake, where the intended word is “piece” and not peace.  A plan that intends to be a road map that leads to smaller and smaller pieces until there is noting left from Israel. The real aim is to break down Israel’s ability to survive piece by piece; by shrinking its borders while allowing the Trojan horse of the Arabs in Israel to devour its population plurality from within.


I understand the other nations of the world who find nothing wrong with the concept, that France is for the French, England is for the English; and in a world where there it is right to have over 20 Arab countries, filled with their Muslims only populations. Yet, there is no room on this globe for a nation of Israelis, with a predominantly Jewish population.


I have a much bigger problem with the Sharon Government unconscionable stand to forcefully “disengage the Jews from their land.” Therefore bringing the affirmed enemy closer and closer to the population centers of Israel; so they can target millions of Israelis with their missiles, and not only the lesser populated areas.


Is this the same Sharon, who for decades was advocating the right of the Jews to live wherever they wish to do so? Is this the same Sharon who with his brave actions made us time and again proud to be Jews in our ancestral lands, or is this a Sharon turned Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain, about to commit the most treasonous act in Jewish history, by preparing the Jewish people for a national suicide?