Message to Mesora and the JewishTimes

Ambassador Alan Keyes -
In these days of terrible travail for Israel and for the civilized world, I want to commend Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim and the supporters of Mesora and the Jewish Times for all their fine work in defense of truth, decency and humanity.

Israel is under assault from forces without and within. This assault has become intertwined, ideologically, politically, and militarily, with assaults upon America. As human beings and children of our Father God, we must unflichingly oppose terrorist violence, whatever pretexts or causes it may hide behind. And we must all shoulder shared responsibilities in these momentous days of Israel's and America's mutual struggle for survival against implacable enemies.

Energetic adherence to God's Will, faithful upholding of God's Law, determined respect for God's Authority over the affairs of His creatures are righteous and, I deeply believe, pleasing to our Creator. They are also imperative to the proper, ardent advancement of the cause of justice and peace in the world -- as they ever have been in His plan for the human race, since the beginning of the world.

I am a Christian, and a Catholic. Rabbi Ben-Chaim and I share an understanding that true religious faith and practice are supported, indeed commanded, by human reason. We all must respect our God-given capacity to know and defend the right. We all must protect the sacredness of innocent human life. We must honor God in all that we are and all that we do. Moral principle is accessible to the human mind and enshrined in the human heart, and we are obligated by our Creator to uphold the rational and saving commandments of His moral law. In our various vocations, this is the truth for all humankind. And at this moment in human history, for the future of Israel and America, we must insist on this truth.

I have said before, and I continue to believe, that the civilized world will prevail against ignorance, barbarism and hate. If we are faithful and true, we will win the war against terror, and secure for humanity the better destiny our Creator has designed for us to achieve.
Keep faith,

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