Some spokespeople have thankfully vocalized the truth: Lebanese civilian tragedies lay not with Israel, but with the foreign leaders harboring terrorists, allowing those killers safe refuge. And when these cowardly murderers shoot missiles at Israel from civilian towns, those leaders are to blame when we retaliate, and civilian men, women and children are killed. We have no choice but to destroy the source of those missiles.

Concerned for innocent lives, Israel warned the Lebanese people of an imminent military response to Hezbulla’s unprovoked kidnappings, and sustained targeting of Israelis. And for this, the nations of the world condemn Israel?

Why have these nations been silent, with no condemnations of Palestinian, suicide bombers…for five years?

Why did these nations offer no condemnation of Palestinians who sneak into Jewish homes, and assassinate 4-year-old children?

Why are these nations so silent, when Israel’s enemies blow up busloads of families?

Why did these nations offer no condemnation for Palestinians, who – not in war, but in Jerusalem streets – indiscriminately kill Israel’s young and old alike, butchering and maiming countless men, women and children?

Why the silence when for years, families were torn apart?

But when Israel rightfully, with no choice but to defend itself from terrorists, unintentionally causes deaths to a nation it that it warned first…the international community condemns us?

If those nations were sitting in Israel as a missile headed for them, they would support us. Why then do they condemn the Jew? One thing is certain; it has nothing to do with the war.