Invite God to the Peace Talks
Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim
Dr. Keyes,
Please accept my commendation for sticking to your guns, speaking pointedly, with an unrelenting pursuit of the truth, and direct answers to your important questions. You are slowly peeling away the decades of lies, the layers of facades masking the evildoers, and exposing the killers' true, ugly faces. I sincerely hope our continuous web and print publication of your remarks and philosophy will generate growing viewership for your essential format.
Considering recent events, this whole lock horn debate between Israel and the murderous Palestinians is rooted in a very basic error, one which the media has not yet touched upon. I refer to "Church and state". Thankfully, separation of church and state is not followed by many of us here, as we pledge " nation under God..." Separation of church and state is illogical and wrong, for a country cannot propose a set of ideals - calling them "objective truths" - without a valid definition of "objective".
What determines "objective" morality?
Without the proof of God's plan for man - the singular Bible system given at Sinai 3314 years ago - there is no means for validating one morality over another. The demonstrable proof of the event at Sinai outlined "objective good", and "objective evil". The proof of that event is the same proof which exists for all historical events - it was attended by masses, and it manifested easily perceptible phenomena. These two elements rule out fabrication and ignorance respectively, thereby leaving only one possibility - the event transpired, and God indeed gave man a singular system for life. With that historically proven event, the Bible and God's will for man are simultaneously, undoubtedly proven. As an event proven 100% true, accompanied by the divine text of the Bible, God's system then becomes the singular, objective system of truth, justice and morality.
Just as we adhere to medical practices proven successful, so also the Bible must be adhered to, since it too was proven. By force of reason - our only means of function - we must remain consistent in our thinking, using the exact same methodology of "proof" as is engaged by science. Religion operates no differently than science. Both are creations of the Creator. The same depth of knowledge, the same precision and rationality are woven into both. It is foolish and inconsistent to think otherwise.
But perhaps politicians fear marring their political image by incorporating words like "religion", "God", or "Bible" into their platform. Perhaps they fear being labeled "religious fanatic", or less, they fear jeopardizing their lofty posts. For a true leader, one who desires the ultimate good for his fellow man, reason must be his only guide. Reason dictates we study God's plan for man. The Creator of the universe, the Creator of mankind surely knows better than a lowly human what is best for His creation, for man. Any political platform devoid of God's knowledge imparted through His system of truths - the Bible - is a path based on man's feeble and warped mind. Surely God related to man a far superior plan. Surely the world's Designer informed man of the only accurate, undiluted, undistorted knowledge base required for mankind to approach all areas of life - including national issues.
To determine what is good for mankind - now more than ever - we must engage rationale to prove what God's plan is for man.
If we wish objective good for all mankind, inviting God's into the peace talks with the right participants must no longer be avoided. If we leave Him out, such a grave distortion will hasten more bin-Ladens and Arafats, and their freedom to kill.

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